Date: June 23-25, 2025
Time: 9am-2:30pm
Location: The Rave Soccer Complex
2949 Ships Corner Rd,
Va Beach, Va 23453
AGES: 8yo-17yo
Cost: $295 (after May 31st
Max Attendance: 32 GKS (SPACE IS LIMITED)
As of February 1st, 2025 Registration is Open
Date: June 30-July 2, 2025
Time: 9am-2:30pm
Location: The Rave Soccer Complex
2949 Ships Corner Rd,
Va Beach, Va 23453
AGES: 8yo-17yo
Cost: $295 (after May 31st
Max Attendance: 32 GKS (SPACE IS LIMITED)
As of February 1st, 2025 Registration is Open
Date: July 7-9, 2025
Time: 9am-2:30pm
Location: The Rave Soccer Complex
2949 Ships Corner Rd,
Va Beach, Va 23453
AGES: 8yo-17yo
Cost: $295 (after May 31st)
Max Attendance: 32 GKS (SPACE IS LIMITED)
As of February 1st, registration is now open.
Date: August 4-6, 2025
Time: 9am-2:30pm
Location: The Rave Soccer Complex
2949 Ships Corner Rd,
Va Beach, Va 23453
AGES: 8yo-17yo
Cost: $295 (after May 31st)
Max Attendance: 32 GKS (SPACE IS LIMITED)
As of February 1st, registration is now open.
QUALITY is our #1 focus. Our camps are a competitive and welcoming training environment designed to help your child grow as a goalkeeper and leader but more importantly to have fun playing the game we all love! Whether you are a grassroots beginner or seasoned advanced goalkeeper this is the camp for you! Each of our 3-Day Camps are packed with reps and Elite goalkeeper training to improve your goalkeeper's skillsets and knowledge for the game and position. Our Camps are more than training, it's a place to have fun and help your goalkeeper completely understand their role as a goalkeeper.
RGA Camps are open to ALL Goalkeepers no matter their club affiliation!Each training day also includes daily on-field classroom training to help the goalkeepers expand their tactical and technical knowledge of the game.
Our staff includes experienced Founder and Director of Goalkeeping, Amanda Forester, RGA Professional Goalkeepers, Collegiate Goalkeepers, College Goalkeeping Coaches, and some of our experienced goalkeepers who have graduated from the academy and now are beginning their coaching careers through RGA's Goalkeeper Coaching Internship Program.
Join us this summer!!
> Open to ages U9-U17.
> Camp from 9am-2:30pm (NEW! Longer camp this year)
> Small 7:1 Coach to Player ratios.
> GKs are grouped with those with the same skill levels.
> 13 hours of Elite Goalkeeper Training and Classroom Sessions
> Daily Classroom Sessions and on-field Tactical Demos
> All goalkeepers receive a digital goalkeeper binder designed by RGA Director of Goalkeeper, Amanda Forester. The Goalkeeper PDF Binder is packed with educational material and resources for both Goalkeeper and Parent.
> All GKs will receive an RGA Camp Dri-fit t-shirt
Registration Closes 5 Day before camp OR when the camp SELLS OUT. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND REGISTERING EARLY!
We sold out all camps in by May 15th last year.
If we sell out, we will add a waitlist. We can not guarantee that a spot will open up.
Players should bring plenty water, gatorade, snacks and a packed lunch. Players also need to bring warm weather gear, sunscreen, shin guards, cleats, soccer ball, and goalkeeper gloves.
Goalkeeper training and camps are intense. Unlike field player camps, goalkeeper camps are filled with a lot of diving, sometimes contact to contact, and various physically enduring drills. Goalkeepers need more rest and recovery for their bodies after intense training like this. Our camps are fun, filled with great drills, and teaching lessons made for the beginner goalkeeper on up to high school elites. We have found that 3-days is the best fit for goalkeeper's recovery and injury prevention for the long-term.
Cancellations MUST be received by email 15 days prior to the start date of the clinic in order to get a partial refund. Cancellations have to be emailed to RGA will only refund 50% percent of the registration fees due to additional fees incurred during refund of payment.
Please note: camp payments are non-refundable and non-transferrable 14 days prior to camp.
No Show- if you're registered for a camp and do not attend for any reason and/or do not notify us that you will not be attending at least 15 days prior to the start of the session, refunds will NOT be issued.
Refunds for Illness, Quarantine, or Injury:
If your child is ill, tests positive for COVID-19 or has an injury 7-days prior to the camp a signed doctor's notehas to be emailed to
We will make an attempt to work with all players. If a signed doctor's is received 7-days prior to the event and states that the player cannot attend camp, we will offer one of two options: a partial refund of 50% of the camp registration fee that was paid OR transfer the balance to their training account for future group training ONLY. If the balance is transferred, it must be used within 6 months unless their injury prevents return to play during that time frame. If the player's return to play recovery time is longer than 6 month we will adjust the expiration date accordingly.
Ill or No show or Injured during camp:
If your child is ill or is injured or no shows and misses camp NO refunds OR credits will be issued.
Players are grouped based on both age and skill levels. Group allocation is reviewed at the end of each camp day and goalkeepers may be moved accordingly to ensure they are in the correct development environment and constantly being challenged.
Parents, we are professional goalkeeping coaches who are looking to grow your goalkeepers. Please do not contact us repeatedly advocating for your goalkeeper to be moved up or down. We ask that you trust our process. We are very strategic and methodical at properly grouping your goalkeeper in the correct groups. Please keep in mind, our goal to help them grow and become their best. That is our #1 focus as coaches.
Due to the rise in allergies among children, ALL of our RGA Camps are NUT FREE. We cannot stress this enough, to protect the safety and health of our campers, PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR GOALKEEPER with any nut based products.
All goalkeepers are required to bring a lunch and PLENTY of water and electrolytes.
In the event of severe inclement weather such as lightning and/or thunder, we will cease camp operations and contact parents to pick up their children immediately. If inclement weather causes us to cancel an entire day of training, we will use Thursday as a make-up day.
All campers are required to bring their own lunch. Lunch will not be provided. We recommend bringing Gatorade and plenty of water as neither will be provided unless they run out and it's an emergency. We recommend bringing sunblock and applied during sessions. Coaches will not be allowed to help.
If there are any special requests, allergies, or requirements that we need to be aware, please email us at
We will be implementing strict COVID-19 precautions. Hand sanitizing stations will be set-up at each field. If players come in contact with or test positive for COVID or a family member within the same household does, we require all players to quarantine and come to training for 14-days. Credits will be considered as long as we have received written communication and proof of a positive COVID-19 test from the client. This can be emailed to
We have LIMITED space available.
Registration will close for Camp 1 on July 9th.
Registration will close for Camp 2 on July 23rd.
Use Promo Code GOOGLERGA at checkout for $15.00 off.
-Open to ages U9-U19.
-Small 6:1 Coach to Player ratios.
-GKs are grouped with those with the same skill levels.
-12 hours of Elite Goalkeeper Training
-Film and on-field Tactical talks
$225 per camp
Each 3-day camp is packed with reps and Elite goalkeeper training to improve your goalkeeper's skillsets and knowledge for the game and position.
Training also includes daily on-field classroom training to help the goalkeepers expand their tactical and technical knowledge of the game.
This year we have extended the Goalkeepers training days to include 2 additional hours of training!
Why 3 days versus 5 days? Goalkeeper training and camps are intense. Unlike field player camps, Goalkeeper camps are filled with a lot diving, sometimes contact to contact, and various physically enduring drills. Goalkeepers need more rest and recovery for their bodies after intense training like this.
Our camps are fun, filled with great drills, and teaching lessons made for the the beginner goalkeeper on up to high school Elites. We have found that 3-days is the best fit for goalkeeper's recovery and injury prevention for the long-term.
9025 Washington Henry Drive
Mechanicsville, VA
(Turn onto Mann Rd and park in the bus loop)
Players should bring plenty water, gatorade, and snacks. Players also need to bring warm weather gear, sunscreen, shin guards, cleats, soccer ball, and goalkeeper gloves.
We will be implementing strict COVID19 precautions. All players and parents will be required to wear masks on field. Players may remove their masks during play only. Social distancing of a minimum of 6ft is required of all. Hand sanitizing stations will be set-up at each field. All players will be required to complete a COVID Check-In and temperature check.
More information about our precautions and processes will be emailed to registrants the week of Camp.