Keeper wars 2024

registration Now open

Keepers For Good - Keeper Wars 2024

Time & Date

December 21st, 2024

Cost & Ages

Cost: $85

per Goalkeeper

Ages: 8yo-Adult

Registration for event CLOSES on Sunday, December 15th, 2024
at 11:59 pm EST.


River City Sportsplex
(Back Fields: #10-12)
13030 Genito Rd, Midlothian, VA 23112

Join us for one of our biggest events of the year where goalkeepers from multiple states come together and go head to head showcasing their goalkeeper skillsets to help raise money for charity!

This year will mark our 7th Annual Keepers For Good-Keeper Wars Charity Tournament! 100% of ALL Profits from the event registration, Silent Auction, Pledges for Saves and Donation Funds Received go to our 3 charitable causes listed below!

NEW THIS YEAR!! We will have 6 groups: Elementary, Middle, High School, College, Parent vs. Parent, AND Parent vs. their Goalkeeper Divisions! (Parent Divisions are limited to 2 games MAX).

All youth groups (8yo-19yo) are guaranteed a minimum of 3 games before playoff elimination.

Over $75-$150 in prizes will be given for each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each age group (excludes parents division)!


PLUS our Pros and Goalkeeping Staff will be walking around encouraging and lending tips and advice to ALL goalkeepers during the tournament. (Go to our Clinics Page to Register for our Friday night Clinic with Pros)

Our goalkeepers have chosen THREE great causes to raise money for this year!

Our goal is to raise $9,500 to give to these great causes!

Charitable Cause 1: Help one of our local non-profit organizations, RVAccess, by donating $4,500 to help them purchase new equipment and continue to level the playing field and give those with intellectual and physical disabilities a home to learn and play soccer. Watch the video below to learn more about this amazing organization!

Charitable Cause 2: We will be taking $1,500 of the total funds raised to re-fund our Nate Forester Legacy Memorial Scholarship that is in the memory of RGA Founder, Amanda Forester’s late brother, who passed 7-years ago in a car accident leaving behind a son who was born just 3-month after his passing. This Scholarship is given to a soccer player in the state of Virginia who loses a parent(s) or primary guardian suddenly. The scholarship pays for the child’s soccer dues and is paid directly to the child’s soccer club.

Charitable Cause 3: We will be taking the remaining $3,500 and purchasing multiple $25-$35 Christmas and Holiday gifts for the children who have to spend this Christmas and the holidays in the hospital. We will be donating these gifts to the Pediatric Departments and ERs at both Chippenham Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital.

Registration for event CLOSES on Sunday, December 15th, 2024 at 11:59 pm EST.

Goalkeepers making a difference: 
since 2018, over $58,338 and counting has been donated to our community.
Come be part of the legacy!

Charities We Are Giving To in 2024

RVA Access
Keepers for Good - Christmas & Holiday Gift Donation to Richmond Pediatric Hospitals
Nate Forester Legacy Memorial Scholarship
Refund $1,500 Scholarship

Keeper Wars Schedule

How and Why we started our Charity Keeper Wars Tournament


Thank you to our Sponsors

Richmond Goalkeeping Academy logo

Keeper wars Rules

Past Keeper Wars Highlights

Photos from Prior Keeper wars Events

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Keeper wars 2021

Saturday, December....... 10am-2:30pm


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Subscribe to RGA's COFFEE & LEADERSHIP WITH PROS podcast and get great tips and information from soccer pros! The podcast is available through Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Coffee and Leadership with Pros podcast photo